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2021年02月23日 17:18  点击:[]




n 教育经历

2010-10 2016-09, 澳大利亚西澳大学, 植物营养与病害控制, 博士

2005-09 2009-07, 永利集团, 动植物检疫, 学士

n 研究方向


n 科研项目

u 国家基金西双版纳热带雨林区腐霉菌物种多样性及其与生境关系的研究2024-01 2027-1232万,主持

u 国家重点研发计划--子课题,坡耕地马铃薯养分管理与智能肥料创制, 2022-11 2026-10, 55万元, 主持

u 云南省基金青年项目云南澳洲坚果速衰病主要病原菌及其致病力研究”, 2022-06 2025-05, 5万元, 主持

u 云南省教育厅基金云南澳洲坚果园疫霉属物种多样性及其与土壤因素之间关系的研究”, 2022-03 2023-02, 2万元, 主持

u Australian research project “Interactions between host resistance and waterlogging in relation to Pythium root and hypocotyl disease on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris” 2012-032016-09approximately 375,000 RMB.

n 代表性论文:

u Yu Pin Li; Patrick M. Finnegan; Mei Ju Liu; Ji Xia Zhao; Yan Li Nie; Li Tang; First report of Neofusicoccum parvum causing leaf spot disease on Macadamia integrifolia in China, Plant Disease, 2022 107 (2): 555

u Yu Pin Li; Ming Pei You; Martin J. Barbetti; Species of Pythium associated with seedling root and hypocotyl disease on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Western Australia, Plant Disease, 2014, 98(9): 1241-1247

u Yu Pin Li; Ming Pei You; Sally Norton; Martin J. Barbetti; Resistance to Pythium irregulare root and hypocotyl disease in diverse common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) varieties from 37 countries and relationships to waterlogging tolerance and other plant and seed traits, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2016, 146: 147-176

u Yu Pin Li; Ming Pei You; Timothy D. Colmer; Martin J. Barbetti; Effect of timing and duration of soil saturation on soilborne Pythium diseases of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), Plant Disease, 2014, 99(1): 112-118

u Yu Pin Li; D.G. Wright; Vincent Lanoiselet; Cui Ping Wang; N. Eyres; D. Real; Ming Pei You; Martin Barbetti; First Report of Phoma herbarum on Tedera (Bituminaria bituminosa var.albomarginata) in Australia, Plant Disease, 2012, 96(5): 769-769


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